KAMAG Wiesel WBH25 vehicle to improve logistics movements of containers and trailers within depots tractor and truck tractor
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KAMAG Wiesel WBH25 4х2 универсальное транспортное средство с гидростатическим приводом гп 10 тн для логистических центров, сменные кузова, тягач и седельный тягач, полный вес 18 тн, MB OM934LA 149 лс, 50 км/час, Германия 2010-е г. в.
KAMAG Wiesel WBH25 4х2 vehicle to improve logistics movements of containers and trailers within depots, load capacity 10 tons, tractor and truck tractor, total weight 18 tons, maximum speed 50 km/h. Engine: MB OM934LA 149 HP Manufactured in the Germany in 2010s.
Tonkin Replicas, 3117 GK Montfoort the Netherlands, TR64214808, Made in China in 2015.