Terberg RT 20-60 thermal truck tractor for intra-warehouse transportation of semi-trailers and trailers

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Terberg RT 20-60 thermal truck tractor for intra-warehouse transportation of semi-trailers and trailers

Terberg RT 20-60 4х4 thermal truck tractor for intra-warehouse transportation of semi-trailers and trailers, load on the SSU 18 tons, total weight road trains 115 tons, maximum speed 25 km/h.
Engine: Volvo TD71A 216 HP
Manufactured in the Holland in 1990s.

Yakovenko A. Yu. Krasnodar, Zon Model, Wormer Holland, Kit, 2000., handmade, Made in Russia in 2007.
 Произведено:  Yakovenko A. Y. Krasnodar
  Производитель комплектующих:  Zon Model Holland
 Масштаб:  1:50

Описание оригинала

Terberg RT 20-60 thermal truck tractor for intra-warehouse transportation of semi-trailers and trailers

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Производитель:  Terberg
Страна производства:  Holland

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